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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

effective transport velocity

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The sum of the large-scale velocity and the eddy-induced transport velocity. This is velocity at which tracers are advected in large-scale circulation models.

particulate matter

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The suspended particle load that controls the chemistry of the oceans. The physical and chemical properties of the particles control how rapidly a chemical species is removed from ...

saturated adiabatic lapse rate

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The temperature lapse rate of air which is undergoing a reversible natural adiabatic process. Abbreviated SALR.

wet-bulb temperature

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The temperature obtained by covering the bulb of a dry-bulb thermometer with a silk or cotton wick saturated with distilled water and drawing air over it at a velocity not less ...

potential evapotranspiration

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The theoretical maximum amount of water vapor that can be convyed to the atmosphere by the combined processes of evaporation and transpiration by a surface covered by green ...

Milankovitch theory

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The theory that changes in the geographic distribution of solar insolation due to planetary perturbations of the Earth’s orbital characteristics are the primary driving force for ...

ebb current

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The tidal current existing during any time the height of the tide is decreasing. These generally flow in a seaward direction. This has been erroneously called ebb tide.