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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

a-c meter

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An instrument used to perform in-situ measurements of the amount of chlorophyll in water. It does this by pulling water into two tubes, one measuring light absorption and the ...

Karl Zoppritz

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A German fluid dynamicist who was a pioneer in applying modern fluid dynamical methods to questions of the large-scale oceanic circulation.


Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of two groups into which plankton are divided, the other being phytoplankton. Zooplankton are a large group of micro- and macroscopic animals ranging in size from a fraction ...

zonal mean wind

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The distribution of the zonal mean of the eastward component of the wind through latitude and height. This is westerly through most of the troposphere, and peaks at speeds ...

Yellow Sea Current

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A northwestward flowing current in the central Yellow Sea that brings warm water from the Kuroshio Current with velocities that are a maximum of about 0.2 m/s at the surface and ...

wind scatterometry

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A method wherein a specialized radar called a scatterometer is used to measure the near-surface wind speed and direction. The technique is indirect, i.e. the instrument tranasmits ...

National Ice Center (NIC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A multi-agency operational center which includes personnel from two NOAA departments, the NESDIS and the NWS. Its mission is to provide worldwide, operational sea ice analyses and ...