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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

double diffusion

Earth science; Physical oceanography

In physical oceanography, this refers to the difference in the molecular diffusion rates of heat and salt in sea water, the molecular diffusion rate of heat being about 100 times ...

dynamic topography

Earth science; Physical oceanography

In oceanography, a field of horizontally varying dynamic heights in the ocean, analogous to, for example, a topography field on land. This is also called geopotential topography.

empirical orthogonal function (EOF)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

EOF analysis provides a convenient method for studying the spatial and temporal variability of long time series of data over large areas. It splits the temporal variance of the ...

epeiric sea

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A shallow inland sea with limited connection to the open ocean and having depths less than 250 meters.

epicontinental sea

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A shallow sea on a wide portion of a continental shelf or in the interior of a continent. The former type is also known as a shelf sea.


Earth science; Physical oceanography

The layer of water above the thermocline in a fresh water lake, as opposed to the hypolimnion. This is equivalent to the mixed layer in the ocean.

epipelagic zone

Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of five vertical ecological zones into which the deep sea is sometimes divided. The epipelagic zone extends from the surface downward as far as sunlight penetrates during the ...