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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

Arlindo Project

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A joint oceanographic research endeavor of Indonesia and the United States whose primary goal is to study the circulation and water mass stratification within the Indonesian Seas, ...

Actions de Recherche sur la Circulation dans l’Atlantique Nord-Est (ARCANE)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A French research program to observe and model the movement of the Mediterranean Water (MW) in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean in the interior and along the eastern boundary. It ...

Australian-Antarctic Basin

Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of three major basins in the Southern Ocean. It extends from its eastern boundary with the Pacific-Antarctic Basin at the longitude of Tasmania (at about 145° E) to the ...

Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The difference between the observed oxygen content and the saturation oxygen content of a sample of sea water. This is a method of estimating the amount of dissolved oxygen ...

A Mediterranean Undercurrent Seeding Experiment (AMUSE)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An experiment taking place from 1993-1995 whose overall objective was to observe directly the spreading pathways by which Mediterranean Water enters the North Atlantic, including ...

Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A major eastward flowing current that circles the globe in the Southern Ocean. It is principally driven by surface wind stress, although there is a significant thermohaline ...

angular momentum

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The product of mass times the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation times the rotation velocity. The angular momentum about the Earth's axis of rotation can be ...