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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

Arctic Frontal Zone (AFZ)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A frontal zone that runs meridionally between about 5 and 8° E in the Greenland Sea. It separates warm, salty, northward-flowing Norwegian Atlantic Water (NwAtW) in the Norwegian ...

Aleutian low

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A center of action centered over the Aleutian Islands between the east coast of the Siberian Kamchatka Peninsula and the Gulf of Alaska at about 50° N. It is prominent in the ...

Antarctic Circumpolar Wave

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Interannual variations in the atmospheric pressure at sea level, wind stress, sea surface temperature and sea-ice extent that propagate eastwards around the Southern Ocean. These ...

Antarctic Front

Earth science; Physical oceanography

In meterology, a front which develops and persists around the Antarctic continent at about 60-65° S, and divides Antarctic Air from the maritime Polar Air to the north.

Ajax Expedition

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An oceanographic research expedition from 1983-1984.

Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An international organization that promotes the interests of limnology, oceanography and related sciences,fosters the exchange of information across the range of aquatic science, ...

Agulhas Undercurrent

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A current flowing beneath the Agulhas Current. LADCP measurements indicate the core is centered around 1200 m, against the continental slope and directly below the surface core ...