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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

Long-life, multi-cycle, pop-up RAFOS floats (ALFOS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The RAFOS floats that surface at regular intervals throughout their lifetime and transmit data via satellite.

autonomomous underwater vehicle (AUV)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A vehicle that can roam the ocean and collect data on its own. They can wait for episodic, short-lived events and change course immediately to concentrate on the most interesting ...

atmospheric tide

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Those oscillations in any atmospheric field whose periods are integral fractions of either a lunar or a solar day. These differ from ocean tides in several ways, one of which is ...

Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A finite element solution technique for fluid flow problems with moving interfaces, e. G. moving walls, free surfaces, etc. In the ALE method, the newly updated free surface is ...

Argentine Basin

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An ocean basin located in the western South Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Argentina. It is separated from the Brazil Basin to the north by the Rio Grande Rise and includes the ...

Andaman Sea

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A body of water in the northeastern corner of the Indian Ocean that lies to the west of the Malay Peninsula, the north of Sumatra, the east of the Andaman Islands, and the south ...

adaptive mesh refinement

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A method for locally refining grids in finite difference ocean models. The basic idea behind the method is to attain a given accuracy for a minimum amount of work. This is done ...