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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography


Earth science; Physical oceanography

An open ocean undulating data acquisition vehicle originally designed and built by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (now the Southampton Oceanography Center, UK). SeaSoar ...


Earth science; Physical oceanography

An opening in pack ice which forms as the result of a local divergence in its drift. These occur at weak points in the ice and are characteristically long, narrow channels meters ...

polar orbit

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An orbit in which a satellite passes directly over or close to the poles. The characteristic orbital period is around 90 minutes at an altitude of between 500 and 1500 km. Such ...

Wave Model Development and Implementation group (WAMDI)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An organization created to advanced sea surface state models.

National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An organization formed in 1863 to provide independent, objective scientific advice to the nation. The Environment and Earth Sciences Program Unit provides funding for ...

University National Oceanographic Laboratory Systems (UNOLS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An organization of 57 academic institutions and national laboratories involved in oceanographic research and joined for the purpose of coordinating ship schedules and research ...

Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

An organization of technical support personnel associated with the university oceanographic Research Vessel fleet of the U.S. RVTEC is charted by UNOLS and publishes a newsletter ...