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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

climate forcing agents

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Any of several factors which can change the balance between the energy (in the form of solar radiation) absorbed by the Earth and that emitted by it in the form of long-wave ...

time series

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Any series of observations of a physical variable that is sampled at changing time intervals. A regular sampling interval is usually presumed although not required.

Polar Water (PW)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Any water with salinity values less than 34.4 that enters the arctic domain from the polar domain in the North Atlantic. The temperatures of PW are typicall low although they can ...

balanced equations

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Approximations to the primitive equations that filter out the inertia–gravity waves but retain the geostrophic motions. Examples include: planetary geostrophic equations ...


Earth science; Physical oceanography

Baroclinic eddies composed of LIW as hypothesized by Millot (1999). These are posited to form as the LIW becomes unsable as it passes the open southwest corner of the Sardinian ...

mixing layer

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Brainerd and Gregg (1995) define this as “the depth zone being actively mixed from the surface at a given time, generally corresponding to the depth zone in which there is strong ...

Carl Eckart

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Carl Eckart (1902–1973) began his scientific work as a quantum physicist, and in midcareer turned towawrd continuum mechanics. He was a member of the physics faculty at the ...