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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Geology

ground water

Earth science; Geology

That part of the subsurface water that is in the zone of saturation, including underground streams. Loosely, all subsurface water as distinct from surface water.

Gula Mons

Earth science; Geology

A 3 kilometer (1.86 mile) high volcano on Venus, located at approximately 22 degrees north latitude, 359 degrees east longitude.


Earth science; Geology

A mineral compound characterized by a halogen such as fluorine, chlorine, iodine, or bromine as the anion. Example, Halite, NaCl.

Edmond Halley

Earth science; Geology

(1656-1742) English astronomer. In 1758, he accurately predicted the return of a comet previously observed in 1531, 1607, and 1682. The body was subsequently named Halley's Comet.

Sir William Herschel

Earth science; Geology

(1738-1822) British astronomer. He built a reflecting telescope of superior quality and with it discovered planet Uranus. He also discovered some of the satellites of Uranus and ...


Earth science; Geology

The sharp spire of rock formed as glaciers in several cirques erode into a central mountain peak.


Earth science; Geology

The most common mineral of the amphibole group (Ca,Na) 2-3 (Mg,Fe + 2 ,Fe +3 ,Al) 5 (Al, Si) 8 O 22 (OH) 2 . It has a variable composition, and may contain potassium and ...