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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Mapping science

Abbe's Theory

Earth science; Mapping science

The theory that for a lens to produce a faithful image, it must be large enough to transmit the entire diffraction pattern of the object.


Earth science; Mapping science

A variant spelling of anallactic.

barlow leveling rod

Earth science; Mapping science

A self reading leveling rod on which graduations are marked by triangles each 0. 02 foot in height. The Barlow leveling rod is no longer in general use.

nautical almanac

Earth science; Mapping science

An astronomical almanac prepared for use on ocean-going vessels, containing such astronomical information as is needed for navigation on the high seas and to the degree of ...


Earth science; Mapping science

Some act of concurrence by the adjoining owners bearing on the practical location of their common boundary, where the definite, or more accurate, position of the line or lines has ...


Earth science; Mapping science

An owner or occupant whose property adjoins or touches the land under consideration.


Earth science; Mapping science

(1) The process of using an autocollimator. (2) The procedure used to determine or transfer azimuth to an instrument or device by using an autocollimator.