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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Mapping science

roving barometer

Earth science; Mapping science

That barometer, in the single base method of barometric altimetry, which is moved to those points whose elevations are to be determined.

fiducial axis

Earth science; Mapping science

The line joining two opposite fiducial marks on a photograph.

assembly language

Earth science; Mapping science

A menomic code close to the code (machine language) in which the computer actually does its work.

positional accuracy

Earth science; Mapping science

The accuracy with which the coordinates of points determined from a map agree with the coordinates determined by survey or other independent means accepted as accurate.

Australian Map Grid

Earth science; Mapping science

A grid system used with Australian maps on the transverse Mercator map projection and having its origin on the equator. Eastings are given the value 500,000 plus the value given ...

air rights

Earth science; Mapping science

The rights granted by a fee simple, lease agreement, or other conveyance of an estate in real property to build upon, occupy, or use, in the manner and degree permitted, all or ...

great arc

Earth science; Mapping science

An arc of a great circle.