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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Mapping science

inertial azimuth

Earth science; Mapping science

An azimuth measured with respect to lines whose directions are established by a gyrocompass. In particular, an azimuth measured using a gyrotheodolite (gyroscopic theodolite).

double zenith angle

Earth science; Mapping science

The angle obtained by pointing the telescope of a transit at an object, reading the angle on the vertical circle, then reversing the instrument to put the vertical circle on the ...

adindan datum

Earth science; Mapping science

A horizontal control datum defined by the following location and azimuth on the Clarke spheroid of 1880 (modified); the origin is at station Zv ADINDAN:


Earth science; Mapping science

The interchange of instrument with target, sub tense bar, etc. , on a tripod in such a manner that centering over the marker is maintained automatically.

analytical aerotriangulation

Earth science; Mapping science

Aerotriangulation in which coordinates of ground points are derived from measured coordinates of image points using mathematical functions rather than a physical model to ...

accuracy testing

Earth science; Mapping science

Testing, by sampling, whether or not a map complies with specified standards of accuracy. It checks both relative and absolute accuracies of distances, lengths, and elevations ...

asset class

Earth science; Mapping science

Securities that have similar characteristics, attributes, and risk/return relationships.