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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Mapping science

simple conic chart

Earth science; Mapping science

A chart on a simple conic map projection.

center of section

Earth science; Mapping science

The point formed by lines connecting opposite corners of quarter sections in a section of land. It is also called the center quarter corner.

break-circuit chronometer

Earth science; Mapping science

A chronometer equipped with a device which automatically breaks an electric circuit to indicate a specific time or interval of time.

forced centering

Earth science; Mapping science

Replacement of one device or instrument by another in such a way that if the original object was vertically over a mark, then so is the replacement. Some mountings are designed ...

panoramic camera

Earth science; Mapping science

A camera which takes a partial or complete panoramic photograph of the terrain. Some designs contain a lens system and slot like aperture which rotate about an axis ...

chart datum

Earth science; Mapping science

The lowest, astronomically predictable low water.

checkerboard method

Earth science; Mapping science

A method of determining details of the terrain, in a small topographic survey, by covering the region with a rectangular grid marked by stakes at 15, 20 or 30 meter intervals, ...