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Earth science
Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.
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Earth science > Oceanography 
electromagnetic radiation
Earth science; Oceanography
Energy propagated through space or through material media in the form of an advancing disturbance in electric and magnetic fields existing in space or in the media. The term ...
Earth science; Oceanography
Environment that is influenced by seawater with a salinity less than 35 parts per thousand (usually caused by the presence of an inflow of fresh water).
Earth science; Oceanography
Evaporation can be defined as the process by which liquid water is converted into a gaseous state. Evaporation can only occur when water is available. It also requires that the ...
Burgers vortex
Earth science; Oceanography
Exact solution of the Navier-Stokes equation for a steady vortex in which the diffusion of vorticity is balanced by vortex stretching in an external strain field. The vortex has ...
Rayleigh number
Earth science; Oceanography
Expresses the ratio of the destabilizing effects of buoyancy to the stabilizing effects of diffusion of heat and momentum. Explicitly, Ra=g\beta \Delta T H^3/(\nu\kappa) in ...
Earth science; Oceanography
Expressible or approximately expressible by an exponential function; especially characterized by or being an extremely rapid increase (as in size or extent); an exponential growth ...

- Geology (10953)
- Mapping science (105290)
- Oceanography (12332)
- Physical oceanography (42660)
- Remote sensing (8661)
- Seismology (14406)
- Soil science (29216)