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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Remote sensing

look angle

Earth science; Remote sensing

The angle between the vertical plane containing a radar antenna and the direction of radar propagation. Complementary to the depression angle.


Earth science; Remote sensing

The elementary quantity of EM energy that is transmitted by a particular wavelength. According to the quantum theory, EM radiation is emitted, transmitted, and absorbed as ...

atmospheric correction

Earth science; Remote sensing

Image-processing procedure that compensates for effects of selectivity scattered light in multispectral images.

electromagnetic spectrum

Earth science; Remote sensing

Continuous sequence of electromagnetic energy arranged according to wavelength or frequency.


Earth science; Remote sensing

Process of converting an analog display into a digital display.

Slant-range distance

Earth science; Remote sensing

Distance measured along the slant range.


Earth science; Remote sensing

NASA unmanned satellite that acquired L-band radar images in 1978.