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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Remote sensing


Earth science; Remote sensing

Component of light that is strongly scattered by the atmosphere and consists predominantly of shorter wavelengths.

light meter

Earth science; Remote sensing

Device for measuring the intensity of visible radiation and determining the appropriate exposure of photographic film in a camera.

heat capacity

Earth science; Remote sensing

Ratio of heat absorbed or released by a material to the corresponding temperature rise or fall. Expressed in calories per gram per degree centigrade. Also called thermal ...

Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM)

Earth science; Remote sensing

NASA satellite orbited in 1978 to record daytime and nighttime visible and thermal IR images of large areas.


Earth science; Remote sensing

Ability of a surface to reflect incident energy.

EROS Data Center (EDC)

Earth science; Remote sensing

Facility of the U. S. Geological Survey at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, that archives, processes, and distributes images.


Earth science; Remote sensing

An optical-electronic device which converts a normal vertical aerial photograph to an orthophotograph.