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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Seismology


Earth science; Seismology

That part of earthquake studies that deals with evidence for earthquakes before instrumental recording of seismic waves or damage from felt reports.


Earth science; Seismology

The study of earthquakes, seismic sources, and wave propagation through the Earth.


Earth science; Seismology

The study of earthquakes and their relationships with faults.


Earth science; Seismology

The subsurface location (focus) at which the energy of an earthquake is released. Earthquakes generally occur at depths less than about 30 km, but may occur to a depth of 600 km ...


Earth science; Seismology

The sudden reduction of stress across the fault plane during rupture.


Earth science; Seismology

Of the two sides of a non-vertical fault, the side below the fault plane. It is called the footwall because where inactive faults have been "filled in" with mineral deposits and ...

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Earth science; Seismology

The time scale based on the atomic second but corrected every now and again to keep it in approximate sync with the earth's rotation. The corrections show up as the leap seconds ...