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Pertaining to the system or range of economic activity in a country, region, or community.
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Economy > Economics 
Big Mac index
Economy; Economics
The Big Mac index was devised by Pam Woodall of The Economist in 1986, as a light-hearted guide to whether currencies are at their "correct" level. It is based on one of the ...
behavioral economics
Economy; Economics
A branch of economics that concentrates on explaining the economic decisions people make in practice, especially when these conflict with what conventional economic theory ...
basis point
Economy; Economics
One one-hundredth of a percentage point. Small movements in the interest rate, the exchange rate and bond yields are often described in terms of basis points. If a bond yield ...
Basel 1 and 2
Economy; Economics
An attempt to reduce the number of bank failures by tying a bank's capital adequacy ratio to the riskiness of the loans it makes. For instance, there is less chance of a loan to a ...

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- Economics (60867)
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