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Pertaining to the system or range of economic activity in a country, region, or community.
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Economy > Economics 
credit crunch
Economy; Economics
When banks suddenly stop lending, or bond market liquidity evaporates, usually because creditors have become extremely risk averse.
credit creation
Economy; Economics
Making loans. Often the amount of credit creation is subject to regulation. Lenders may have limits on the amount of loans they can make relative to the assets they have, so that ...
cost-benefit analysis
Economy; Economics
A method of reaching economic decisions by comparing the costs of doing something with its benefits. It sounds simple and common-sensical, but, in practice, it can easily become ...
cost of capital
Economy; Economics
The amount a firm must pay the owners of capital for the privilege of using it. This includes interest payments on corporate debt, as well as the dividends generated for ...
Economy; Economics
Being corrupt is not just bad for the soul, it also harms the economy. Research has found that in countries with a lot of corruption, less of their GDP goes into investment and ...
contestable market
Economy; Economics
A market in which an inefficient firm, or one earning excess profits, is likely to be driven out by a more efficient or less profitable rival. A market can be contestable even if ...

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