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Pertaining to the system or range of economic activity in a country, region, or community.
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Economy > International trade 
Time draft
Economy; International trade
A draft that matures either a certain number of days after acceptance or a certain number of days after the date of the draft. Compare Date draft and Sight draft .
Through bill of lading
Economy; International trade
A single bill of lading converting both the domestic and international carriage of an export shipment. An air waybill, for instance, is essentially a through bill of lading used ...
Economy; International trade
Designation of a payment as being due at sight, a given number of days after sight, or a given number of days after date.
Tare weight
Economy; International trade
The weight of a container and packing materials without the weight of the goods it contains. Compare Gross weight.
Straight bill of lading
Economy; International trade
A non-negotiable bill of lading in which the goods are consigned directly to a named consignee.
Steamship conference
Economy; International trade
A group of steamship operators that operate under mutually agreed-upon freight rates.
Standard international trade classification
Economy; International trade
(SITC) - A standard numerical code system developed by the United Nations to classify commodities used in international trade.

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- International economics (35907)
- International trade (7996)