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Anything related to the production or supply of energy in any form.

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Contributors in Energy

Energy > Natural gas


Energy; Natural gas

A device used in cable tool drilling to remove drill cuttings from a well. It consists of a simple tube suspended on a cable, open at the top, with a foot-valve at the bottom. The ...

modified btu method

Energy; Natural gas

A modification of the Btu Method of allocating costs between different operations or between different products.

affiliated entities test

Energy; Natural gas

A test to determine if the amount paid for gas to an affiliate exceeds the amount paid in comparable first sales between non-affiliated entities.

construction work in progress (CWIP)

Energy; Natural gas

Balances of work orders for utility plant in the process of being constructed but not yet placed in service. Most of the items shown as CWIP are eventually closed to utility plant ...


Energy; Natural gas

Insertion of a solid metal disc between the companion flanges of a flanged joint.

industrial service

Energy; Natural gas


commodity costs (rate)

Energy; Natural gas

That part of the total cost of service which must be recovered through use of a commodity rate; i.e., a rate for each Mcf of gas sold. Revenue from a commodity rate varies with ...