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Anything related to the production or supply of energy in any form.
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Energy > Natural gas 
inch of water
Energy; Natural gas
A pressure unit representing the pressure required to support a column of water one inch high. Usually reported as inches W.C. (water column) at a specified temperature; 27.707 ...
dsm costs, marketing
Energy; Natural gas
All DSM costs directly associated with the preparation and implementation of the strategies designed to encourage participation in a program.
lost opportunity resources
Energy; Natural gas
DSM resources that, if not installed initially, become more costly to exploit. An example is extra insulation when constructing a new building.
plant thermal reduction (PTR)
Energy; Natural gas
The Btu equivalent of the liquid products extracted from the producer's gas plus the portion of plant fuel necessary to extract those liquids, plant flare and other plant losses. ...
differential pressure
Energy; Natural gas
The pressure difference between two points in a system. For example, the difference in pressure between the upstream and downstream taps of an orifice plate, used to measure ...

- Bioenergy (11736)
- Biofuel (1937)
- Biomass (391)
- Coal (22243)
- Dam safety (6388)
- Diesel (35)
- Energy efficiency (15152)
- Energy trade (3368)
- Environmental management (93)
- Geothermal (2638)
- Hydro dam (6388)
- Hydroelectric (1413)
- Natural gas (45803)
- Nuclear energy (15303)
- Petrochemical products (454)
- Petrol (19349)
- Renewable energy (648)
- Seawater (37)
- Shale gas (688)
- Solar power (3979)
- Tidal power (0)
- Wind energy (4234)
- Wind turbines (63)