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Anything related to the production or supply of energy in any form.

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Energy > Nuclear energy

thermal shield

Energy; Nuclear energy

A layer, or layers, of high-density material located within a reactor pressure vessel or between the vessel and the biological shield to reduce radiation heating in the vessel and ...

thermal power

Energy; Nuclear energy

The total core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant.

thermal reactor

Energy; Nuclear energy

A reactor in which the fission chain reaction is sustained primarily by thermal neutrons. Most current reactors are thermal reactors.

thermal neutron

Energy; Nuclear energy

A neutron that has (by collision with other particles) reached an energy state equal to that of its surroundings, typically on the order of 0. 025 eV (electron volts).

terrestrial radiation

Energy; Nuclear energy

The portion of the natural background radiation that is emitted by naturally occurring radioactive materials, such as uranium, thorium, and radon in the earth.

technical specifications

Energy; Nuclear energy

Part of an NRC license authorizing the operation of a nuclear production or utilization facility. A Technical Specification establishes requirements for items such as safety ...

thermal breeder reactor

Energy; Nuclear energy

A breeder reactor in which the fission chain reaction is sustained by thermal neutrons.