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The art or field of entertaining, especially that provided by performers.

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Entertainment > Popular culture


Culture; Popular culture

In film making, the person responsible for the financial and administrative aspects.

product variation

Culture; Popular culture

Also product differentiation; using advertising, packaging and so on to create differences between products of the same type such as cigarettes.


Culture; Popular culture

In sport, people for whom playing is their livelihood, or who compete for money prizes.


Culture; Popular culture

The years 1920-33 in the United States, when manufacturing, selling or transporting alcoholic drinks for general consumption was forbidden by law.


Culture; Popular culture

Resembling the distorted visual and sound effects caused by hallucinogenic drugs.

public service broadcasting

Culture; Popular culture

Non-commercial use of radio and television, generaııy supported by government funding, frequently broadly educational in character.


Culture; Popular culture

An anarchic youth movement in music and fashion which arose in Britain in the mid-1970s.
