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The art or field of entertaining, especially that provided by performers.

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Entertainment > Video

border (wipe)

Entertainment; Video

The boundary area between the “A” video and “B” video when doing a wipe, to which hard, soft, halo, or 1/2 halo edges and matte color can be added.

communication protocol

Entertainment; Video

A specific software-based protocol or language for linking several devices together. Communication protocols are used between computers and VCRs or edit controllers to allow ...

border luminance

Entertainment; Video

The brightness of a border.

community access television (CATV)

Entertainment; Video

Acronym for cable TV, derived from the older term, community antenna television. Also can stand for Community Access TV.

border modify

Entertainment; Video

A feature exclusive to AVC series switchers, allowing key borders to be extended to the right and bottom up to 14 lines deep. Several special key effects can be accomplished with ...

compact cassette

Entertainment; Video

A small (4 x 2-1/2 x 1/2") tape cartridge developed by Philips, containing tape about 1/7" wide, running at 1-7/8 ips. Recordings are bidirectional, with both stereo tracks ...
