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The art or field of entertaining, especially that provided by performers.

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Entertainment > Video


Entertainment; Video

A temporary, dark-colored, gelatin coating which is sometimes applied to the rear side of a photographic plate or film to reduce halation by absorbing any light that may pass ...


Entertainment; Video

An MPEG video frame type that provides bi-directional interframe compression. B frames derive their content from the closest I or P frames, one in the past and one in the future. ...

black a tape

Entertainment; Video

The process of recording a black burst signal across the entire length of a tape. Often done before recording edited footage on the tape to give the tape clean, continuous video ...

black burst

Entertainment; Video

Also called “color black,” “house sync,” or “house black.” Black burst is a composite video signal consisting of all horizontal and vertical synchronization information, burst, ...

blanking interval

Entertainment; Video

The horizontal blanking interval is the time between the end of one horizontal scanning line and the beginning of the next. The vertical blanking interval is the time between the ...

blanking level

Entertainment; Video

a) Refers to the 0 IRE level which exists before and after horizontal sync and during the vertical interval. This voltage level allows the electron beam to be turned off while it ...

blue screen

Entertainment; Video

A film or video technique in which an object or performer is taped against a blue-colored background. In post-production, the blue color is electronically removed, allowing images ...
