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Issues related to the circumstances or condition of the earth's natural surroundings.

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Environment > Pollution

sick building syndrome

Environment; Pollution

"A human health condition where infections linger, caused by exposure to contaminants within a building as a result of poor ventilation."

State Implementation Plan (SIP )

Environment; Pollution

Mandate for achieving health-based air quality standards.

sulfur dioxide (SO2)

Environment; Pollution

A heavy, smelly gas which can be condensed into a clear liquid; used to make sulfuric acid, bleaching agents, preservatives and refrigerants; a major source of air pollution in ...

waterborne contaminants

Environment; Pollution

Unhealthy chemicals, microorganisms (like bacteria) or radiation, found in tap water.

Super Efficient Refrigerator Program SERP (SERP)

Environment; Pollution

An organization of 24 U.S. utilities that developed a $30 million competition to produce a refrigerator at least 25% lower in energy use and 85% lower in ozone depletion than ...

greenhouse gas emissions

Environment; Pollution

The emissions of green house gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. The primary greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous ...

combined Sewer System

Environment; Pollution

A type of sewer system that collects sanitary sewage and storm water runoff in a single pipe system. Combined sewers can cause serious water pollution problems due to combined ...