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Eyeglasses, goggles or other objects worn over the eyes, usually to aid vision or for protective purposes.

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Eyewear > Optometry

clear lens

Eyewear; Optometry

Lens with no noticable colour in transmission.

centration point

Eyewear; Optometry

Point at which the optical centre, design reference point or fitting point is to be located in the absence of any prescribed or thinning prism, or after any such prism has been ...

bridge piece

Eyewear; Optometry

That part of the mounting which supports the trial frame on, and part of which is in contact with, the subject's nose.

binocular indirect ophthalmoscope

Eyewear; Optometry

An ophthalmoscope which provides an illuminating system and which is used with a condensing lens in order to direct appropriately focused light into the patient's eye.

centration distance

Eyewear; Optometry

Required horizontal distance between the centration points of a pair of lenses.

central field of view

Eyewear; Optometry

Visual field in all directions extending up to 30° from fixation.


Eyewear; Optometry

Property of optical radiations which enables it to cause chemical changes to biological tissues.
