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Eyeglasses, goggles or other objects worn over the eyes, usually to aid vision or for protective purposes.

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Eyewear > Optometry


Health care; Optometry

Birthmark, freckle or mole that is often brownish, but can be other colors as well. A nevus can occur on the skin or inside the eye and can become a melanoma, a type of cancerous ...

subconjunctival hemorrhage

Health care; Optometry

Bleeding from blood vessels on the surface of the eye that leaves a red patch. This common problem can be caused by sneezing, coughing, high blood pressure, trauma and more.

disc hemorrhage

Health care; Optometry

Bleeding in the back of the eye, occurring usually at the edge of the optic disc (the area where the optic nerve attaches to the retina). Also called splinter hemorrhage. Though ...

diabetic vitreous hemorrhage

Health care; Optometry

Bleeding into the gel-like (vitreous humor) interior of the eye, originating from blood vessels weakened by diabetes. Because blood in the vitreous can block vision, a vitrectomy ...

vitreous hemorrhage

Health care; Optometry

Bleeding that goes into the vitreous from nearby parts of the eye, such as from leaking retinal blood vessels. Causes include diabetic retinopathy, trauma, a retinal tear or ...


Health care; Optometry

Blind spot within the field of view.


Health care; Optometry

Blocked tear duct, which is characterized by a lot of tearing; you may also have a discharge or a sticky eye.
