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Eyeglasses, goggles or other objects worn over the eyes, usually to aid vision or for protective purposes.

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Eyewear > Optometry

orphan drug

Health care; Optometry

A drug designated for treatment of a rare condition or disease that typically affects fewer than 200,000 U. S. residents. When the FDA grants orphan drug status, a company may ...

eye tumor

Health care; Optometry

A growth or mass that occurs in or next to the eye. Specific tumors, both benign and malignant, include the dermoid cyst, capillary hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma, choroidal ...


Health care; Optometry

A hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body. People with uncontrolled diabetes are at risk of developing a common and potentially blinding eye disease — diabetic ...

retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)

Health care; Optometry

A layer of pigmented cells found between the light-sensitive, inner back lining of the eye (retina) and the choroid, which contains blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen.


Health care; Optometry

A lens design that has three focal areas: a lens for close work or reading, a lens for mid-distance viewing or arm's length, and a lens for faraway viewing or driving.


Health care; Optometry

A lens design with two different optical powers at right angles to each other for the correction of astigmatism.

single vision

Health care; Optometry

A lens that has the same power throughout the entire lens, in contrast to a bifocal or multifocal lens that has more than one lens power.
