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Anything to do with making, designing or appreciating clothing of the prevailing trends.

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Fashion > General jewelry


Fashion; General jewelry

oreign matter that is "included" within a stone. This may be a foreign body such as a crystal, a gas bubble or a pocket of liquid. There are many varieties of inclusions and they ...


Fashion; General jewelry

From bright blue hues to bluish green colors, indicolite tourmaline is another rare tourmaline color, and high quality specimens are regarded as quite collectable.


Fashion; General jewelry

ffect caused by the interference of light on thin films within the gemstone.


Fashion; General jewelry

xposing gemstones to radioactive rays from x-rays or other material to change or enhance the original color. Blue topaz is always irradiated, for example.


Fashion; General jewelry

arat (as distinguished from Carat) is a measure of the purity of gold. Most gold jewelry is actually made from a gold alloy containing gold and another metal or metals. 18K gold, ...

lab created

Fashion; General jewelry

efers to gemstones created in a laboratory rather than by nature. A lab created gemstone is typically the same material chemically as its natural counterpart, as in the case of ...


Fashion; General jewelry

he science and art of cutting and polishing gems to their finished state.