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Fruits & vegetables

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Fruits & vegetables > Fruit vegetables

butternut squash

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

The butternut is the most widely grown winter squash. A member of the cucurbitaceae family, this large group includes not only squash, but also gourds and pumpkins. Producing a ...

calabasa squash

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Calabasa squash, also known as tropical pumpkin or West Indian pumpkin, offers a sweet flavor with a deep yellow and fine-textured flesh. Round in shape its exterior skin is hard ...

carnival squash

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Winter squashes are graded on flesh color and quality. Flesh color quality is based on the level of cartenoids the flesh contains. Higher values of cartenoids can be attributed ...

chayote squash

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

The chayote squash, scientific name, Sechium edule, is the edible fruit of a tropical perennial vine plant which is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, along with other ...

cherry tomatoes

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Cherry tomatoes, botanical classification Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme, are classified by a few factors. The first is how they grow. Cherry tomato plants produce in ...

chilaca chile peppers

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Chilaca chile peppers can be described as twisted or flattened, slightly curved, long and thin. These peppers ripen to a deep brown or a chocolate color and have a mildly pungent ...

cubanelle italian green chile peppers

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Italian green cubanelle chile peppers are known better as “italian Frying peppers” or “cooking peppers”. They are used frequently in italian and Puerto Rican cooking, and are most ...