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Fruits & vegetables > Fruit vegetables

green Japanese bell peppers

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Japanese green bell peppers are known locally in Japan as “piman” and look quite similar to their larger, more common cousins. They are picked unripe to maintain their green ...

green poblano (pasilla) chile peppers

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Poblano chiles AKA Pasillas are of the species, Capsicum annuum, and the the fruit of the pepper plant, which is also known as a pod. Poblano chiles are cultivated as a fresh ...

green serrano chile peppers

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Possibly the hottest chile commonly available in the United States, the increasing popularity of serrano chiles in America is relatively recent. Smooth and sleek, the small ...

green shishito chile peppers

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

A bright, glossy green, Japanese chile peppers vary in size and shape. Slightly curvy and wrinkly, they offer a moderate but distinctive heat. Scoville units: 1-2 ...

green Thai chile peppers

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Every single chile has a different bite, even chiles growing on the same plant. To control their heat, cut slits in the whole peppers and add during cooking. At various stages, ...

green tinker bell peppers

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

This tiny bell pepper is dark green in skin and flesh color, offers an even sweeter flavor than mature green bell peppers. The texture is firm, crisp and juicy. (Scoville units: ...

green tomatoes

Fruits & vegetables; Fruit vegetables

Green when fully ripe, this medium to large tomato has firm meat with a distinctive tomato flavor. The taste is somewhat tart and mildly acidic. Some green heirloom tomatoes are ...