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An activity engaged in for diversion or amusement; whether electronic games such as those on computers or phones, or simple board games.

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Games > Poker


Games; Poker

In spread limit poker, to sell a hand is to bet less than the maximum with a strong hand, in the hope that more of your opponents will call the bet.

second pair

Games; Poker

In community card poker games, a pair of cards of the second-top rank on the board. Second pair is a middle pair, but not necessarily vice-versa. Compare bottom pair, top pair.


Games; Poker

In high-low split games, to win both the high and the low halves of the pot.


Games; Poker

A tournament in which the prize is a free entrance to another (larger) tournament.

scare card

Games; Poker

A card dealt face up (either to a player in a game such as stud or to the board in a community card game) that could create a strong hand for someone. The Jack of spades on the ...


Games; Poker

A prolonged winning streak. A player who has won several big pots recently is said to be on a rush. Also "heater".


Games; Poker

A hand made by hitting two consecutive cards on the turn and river. Also "backdoor". Compare to "bad beat" and "suck out".