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An activity engaged in for diversion or amusement; whether electronic games such as those on computers or phones, or simple board games.

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Games > Poker

penny ante

Games; Poker

Frivolous, low stakes, or "for fun" only; A game where no significant stake is likely to change hands.

pay off

Games; Poker

To call a bet when you are most likely drawing dead because the pot odds justify the call.


Games; Poker

Already complete. A hand is a pat hand when, for example, a flush comes on the first five cards dealt in Draw poker. Also see made hand.


Games; Poker

A style of play characterized by checking and calling. Compare to "aggressive", "loose", "tight".


Games; Poker

Any royal card. Used mostly in lowball games, where royal cards are rarely helpful.


Games; Poker

An option to increase the stakes in limit games. Players may elect to play or not play overs; those who choose to play display some sort of token. If, at the beginning of a ...


Games; Poker

In community card games such as Texas hold 'em and Omaha hold 'em, a pocket pair with a higher rank than any community card.