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An activity engaged in for diversion or amusement; whether electronic games such as those on computers or phones, or simple board games.

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Games > Poker


Games; Poker

A player or hand is said to be counterfeited when a community card does not change the value of his hand, but makes it more likely that an opponent will beat it.


Games; Poker

After a deck of cards is shuffled by the dealer, it is often given to a player other than the one who performed the shuffle for a procedure called a cut.


Games; Poker

To beat a hand, typically a big hand. You hear this most often applied to pocket aces: "Third time tonight I've had pocket aces cracked. " See also "bad beat".

dead money

Games; Poker

This is the amount of money in the pot other than the equal amounts bet by active remaining players in that pot.


Games; Poker

Shortened form of "underdog. "

early position

Games; Poker

Players who act first are in "early position"

expected value (ev)

Games; Poker

In probability theory, the EV of a random variable is the weighted average of all possible values that this random variable can take on. The weights used in computing this ...