Contributors in General
General > Telecommunications 
Over the Top (OTT)
Telecommunications; Telecommunications
Over the top (OTT) are services provided on the Internet such as Netflix, WhatsApp , Skype, YouTube etc, which you access transparently through your telecoms/Internet ...
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- Account (29869)
- Advertising (16774)
- Aerospace (22286)
- Agricultural chemicals (36068)
- Agriculture (98560)
- Alternative therapy (2209)
- Anatomy (23566)
- Animals (128825)
- Anthropology (50284)
- Apparel (6169)
- Archaeology (49431)
- Architecture (16895)
- Art history (24614)
- Arts & crafts (14683)
- Astrology (5170)
- Astronomy (47688)
- Audio equipment (158)
- Automation (8531)
- Automotive (183637)
- Aviation (89331)
- Baked goods (8328)
- Banking (38442)
- Bars & nightclubs (1034)
- Beauty (4140)
- Beverages (37675)
- Biology (283278)
- Biotechnology (99105)
- Boat (9559)
- Broadcasting & receiving (5704)
- Building materials (17865)
- Business administration (6291)
- Business services (34605)
- Candy & confectionary (10230)
- Chemistry (145369)
- Chronometry (13194)
- Cinema (1599)
- Communication (8393)
- Computer (216913)
- Computer science (3081)
- Construction (69215)
- Consulting (39)
- Consumer electronics (20156)
- Consumer services (1517)
- Convention (35505)
- Cosmetics & skin care (2469)
- Culinary arts (76118)
- Culture (7394)
- Dairy products (18436)
- Dance (11147)
- Dental services (23)
- Design (13499)
- Disaster resilience ()
- Documentation (111)
- Drama (5298)
- Earth science (223518)
- Economy (106534)
- Education (142421)
- Electrical equipment (32300)
- Electronic components (14741)
- Energy (123009)
- Engineering (321696)
- Entertainment (55113)
- Environment (46865)
- Events (892)
- Extraterrestrials (4999)
- Eyewear (7261)
- Family (13)
- Fashion (9193)
- Fashion accessories (636)
- Festivals (4285)
- Financial services (144162)
- Fire safety (112850)
- Fishing (15826)
- Fitness (28847)
- Food (other) (26236)
- Footwear (7922)
- Forest products (3416)
- Frozen prepared foods (116)
- Fruits & vegetables (8578)
- Gambling (3662)
- Games (23385)
- Garden (47669)
- Genealogy (1996)
- Geography (93144)
- Geology (1696)
- Gifts & crafts (958)
- Glass packaging (55)
- Globalization (2)
- Government (28268)
- Health care (457930)
- History (73511)
- Hobbies (543)
- Holiday (1590)
- Home furnishings (15657)
- Horticulture (2467)
- Household appliances (15065)
- Household cleaners (64)
- Human resources (25)
- Human rights (219)
- Hunting & fishing (6558)
- Immigration (9114)
- Industrial machinery (18720)
- Industrial valves (3491)
- Inorganic chemicals (547)
- Insurance (32802)
- Internet (59977)
- Investment (1574)
- IT services (1711)
- Jewelry (22989)
- Kitchen & dining (5393)
- Knowledge organization (0)
- Labor (6503)
- Land development (314)
- Language (484230)
- Law (58465)
- Law enforcement (10965)
- Leather (432)
- Legal services (78336)
- Library & information science (5609)
- Life Sciences (1347)
- Lights & lighting (9163)
- Literature (66119)
- Love (968)
- Luggage & bags (759)
- Machine tools (5747)
- Manufacturing (27838)
- Maritime (3142)
- Marketing (1319)
- Martial arts (100)
- Materials science (22436)
- Mathematics (25129)
- Meat products (12596)
- Mechanical equipment (1565)
- Medical (204911)
- Medical devices (73396)
- Metal packaging (966)
- Metals (41587)
- Military (133019)
- Mining (45553)
- Mobile communications (12494)
- Motivational Terms (17)
- Multimedia (150)
- Music (50690)
- Musical equipment (4599)
- Natural environment (71833)
- Network hardware (11569)
- Network software (51)
- News service (1715)
- Non-profit organizations (680)
- Oenology (0)
- Office equipment (3299)
- Oil & gas (39167)
- Online services (5143)
- Optometry (297)
- Organic chemicals (654)
- Organizations (331)
- Outsourcing & offshoring (4493)
- Packaging (1476)
- Paints & varnishes (160)
- Paper packaging (66)
- Paper products (6232)
- Parenting (16164)
- Patent (926)
- People (105400)
- Performing arts (2207)
- Personal accessories (28)
- Personal care products (14182)
- Personal details (84)
- Personal life (5120)
- Pet products (340)
- Pharmaceutical (56147)
- Philosophy (21326)
- Photography (45996)
- Physics (45113)
- Places (1873)
- Plants (50963)
- Plastic packaging (18)
- Plastics (763)
- Political systems (17091)
- Politics (18932)
- Pollution control (4499)
- PR & event management (44)
- Printing & publishing (31826)
- Professional careers (98269)
- Psychiatry (4566)
- Psychology (44717)
- Public areas (622)
- Quality management (97460)
- Railways (4163)
- Real estate (16551)
- Recording equipment (13)
- Recycling (15)
- Regulatory (542)
- Relationships (179)
- Religion (70899)
- Resorts & casinos (1863)
- Restaurants (8618)
- Retail (18388)
- Robots (2333)
- Rubber (475)
- Sailing (1775)
- Science (125694)
- Seafood (1869)
- Security & protection (757)
- Semiconductors (15407)
- Shipbuilding (1237)
- Snack foods (4843)
- Social marketing (106)
- Social network (380)
- Sociology (30524)
- Software (560841)
- Solar industry (12)
- Speleology (0)
- Sporting goods (503)
- Sports (218770)
- Standardization (61)
- Statistics (263)
- Supermarkets (36)
- Technology (3262)
- Telecom equipment (58)
- Telecommunications (37804)
- Textiles (15638)
- Timepieces (2399)
- Tobacco (5739)
- Tools (1797)
- Tourism & hospitality (15958)
- Toys (228)
- Toys and games (175)
- Trade show (75)
- Training (9)
- Translation & localization (17333)
- Transportation (47993)
- Travel (7388)
- TV shows (2684)
- Utilities (1532)
- Veterinary health (2899)
- Video games (40361)
- Water bodies (35821)
- Weather (93553)
- Weddings (7788)
- Wireless technologies (1979)
- Zoology (3598)