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The study of physical characteristics of earth and the distribution and effects of life on earth, especially that of humans.

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Geography > Physical geography

inter-basin transfer

Geography; Physical geography

The transfer of water between drainage basins by humans.


Geography; Physical geography

A substance containing plant nutrients which is added to agricultural land to maintain or increase its fertility. Two kinds:

negative feedback

Geography; Physical geography

One which reduces and possibly reverses the usual processes.

rank-size rule

Geography; Physical geography

The size of a settlement is inversely proportional to its rank i.e. The second largest city is half the size of the largest etc. If the largest city is much larger than all ...

land breeze

Geography; Physical geography

A wind blowing from the land towards the sea. Often found at night under anticyclonic conditions when heat is lost rapidly from the land and the air above is cooled and increases ...

river terrace

Geography; Physical geography

Remnants of previous floodplains left higher than the existing river channel by increased erosion due to rejuvenation.

vertical transfer

Geography; Physical geography

The transfer or transmission of energy from the surface to the atmosphere, and up through the atmosphere.