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Health care

Of or pertaining to the prevention and treatment of illness, and the preservation of physical and mental well-being, through the services provided by medical professionals.

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Health care > Drug rehabilitation


Health care; Drug rehabilitation

A small amount of Crack Cocaine in a solid form; free-base cocaine in solid form.

alcoholics anonymous

Health care; Drug rehabilitation

One of the earliest forms of addiction treatment in the United States, AA developed the 12-step approach to assisting recovery from alcohol addiction (alcoholism). Several other ...


Health care; Drug rehabilitation

A depressant drug of the benzodiazepine family used to induce sleep.

auditory cortex

Health care; Drug rehabilitation

That part of the cerebral cortex that processes sounds and produces our awareness of them.


Health care; Drug rehabilitation

To make a chemical from constitutional parts. Exact copies of drugs found in nature or created in the laboratory are synthesized in laboratories from simpler chemicals. Many ...


Health care; Drug rehabilitation

The process of removing a drug from the body. This is the initial period addicts must go through to become drug-free. Withdrawal symptoms appear early during this process. ...

nicotinic cholinergic receptor

Health care; Drug rehabilitation

One of two acetylcholine receptors. This one responds to nicotine as well as acetylcholine.