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Health care

Of or pertaining to the prevention and treatment of illness, and the preservation of physical and mental well-being, through the services provided by medical professionals.

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Health care > Hair loss


Health care; Hair loss

The treatment of disease.


Health care; Hair loss

1. The thyroid gland. Also, pertaining to the thyroid gland. 2. A preparation of the thyroid gland used to treat hypothyroidism. 3. Shaped like a shield. (The thyroid gland was ...

telogen effluvium

Health care; Hair loss

Excessive temporary loss of telogen hair (hair in the telogen, or resting, phase) caused by trauma such as childbirth, surgery, starvation, certain drugs, and high fever. A normal ...


Health care; Hair loss

Affecting the entire body. A systemic disease such as diabetes can affect the whole body. Systemic chemotherapy employs drugs that travel through the bloodstream and reach and ...


Health care; Hair loss

1. Material with particular features, as a pressor substance. 2. The material that makes up an organ or structure. Also known in medicine as the substantia. 3. A psychoactive drug ...


Health care; Hair loss

The word "surgery" has multiple meanings. It is the branch of medicine concerned with diseases and conditions which require or are amenable to operative procedures. Surgery is the ...


Health care; Hair loss

Forces from the outside world impinging on the individual. Stress is a normal part of life that can help us learn and grow. Conversely, stress can cause us significant problems.