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Health care

Of or pertaining to the prevention and treatment of illness, and the preservation of physical and mental well-being, through the services provided by medical professionals.

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Health care > Organ transplantation

learning session

Health care; Organ transplantation

Breakthrough Collaborative term. An intensive two day meeting designed to focus on a set of key components to support effective spread, build learning relationships with other ...

high leverage changes

Health care; Organ transplantation

Breakthrough Collaborative term. Improvements which have a direct relationship to outcomes/results and are a combination of change package concepts. Example: Six actions to create ...

early adopter

Health care; Organ transplantation

Breakthrough Collaborative term. In the improvement process, the opinion leader within the organization who is willing to try new ideas (introduced by innovators) and whose ...

improvement leader

Health care; Organ transplantation

Breakthrough Collaborative term. The Improvement Leader organizes and drives the spread project in their donation service area.

action period

Health care; Organ transplantation

Breakthrough Collaborative term. The period of time between Collaborative Learning Sessions when spread teams work within their organization to meet their spread goals. ...

spread strategy

Health care; Organ transplantation

Breakthrough Collaborative term. The process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among members of a social system, as defined by Everett ...

prework period

Health care; Organ transplantation

Breakthrough Collaborative term. The time prior to the first Learning Session when teams prepare for their work in the Spread Initiative, including designating both a senior ...