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Knowledge organization

A field of study invloving the indexing and classification of knowledge that is usually performed in libraries, databases and archives etc. It is related to Library and Information Science(LIS).

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Biology; Toxicology

Pneumoconiosis resulting from inhalation of silica dust.


Biology; Toxicology

Pneumoconiosis resulting from inhalation of tin dust.


Biology; Toxicology

Poisonous substance produced by a biological organism such as a microbe, animal, plant or fungus. Note: Examples are botulinum toxin, tetrodotoxin, pyrrolizidine alkaloids and ...

torsade (de pointes)

Biology; Toxicology

potentially lethal form of ventricular tachycardia following chronic abuse of alcohol and mainly due to hypomagnesemia.

radiant power

Biology; Toxicology

Power emitted, transferred or received as radiation.


Biology; Toxicology

Precursor converted to an active form of a drug within the body.

theoretical maximum daily intake (TMDI)

Biology; Toxicology

Predicted maximum daily intake of a residue, assuming that it is present at the maximum residue level and that average daily consumption of foods per person is represented by ...
