Home > Industry/Domain > Labor
The body of persons, or the human physical and mental effort, engaged in the production of goods and services.
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Labor > Labor relations 
union security
Labor; Labor relations
A clause in the contract providing for the union shop, maintenance of membership or the agency shop.
union label
Labor; Labor relations
A stamp or a tag on products to show that the work was done by union labor.
tenant farmer
Labor; Labor relations
When southern plantations were broken up after the Civil War, blacks and poor whites were controlled by landowners through sharecropping. The tenant farmer paid roughly a third of ...
underground railroad
Labor; Labor relations
A system of clandestine routes toward Canada whereby abolitionists helped fugitive slaves escape to freedom.
Labor; Labor relations
Associated with the principles of "scientific management" advocated by Frederick W. Taylor at the beginning of the twentieth century. Tayor proposed time and motion studies of ...
Taft Hartley
Labor; Labor relations
In 1947, Congress passed the Taft Hartley Act which outlawed the closed shop, jurisdictional strikes, and secondary boycotts. It set up machinery for decertifying unions and ...
sympathy strike
Labor; Labor relations
A strike by persons not directly involved in a labor dispute in order to show solidarity with the original strikers and increase pressure on the employer.

- Labor relations (2493)
- Labor statistics (4012)