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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.

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Language > Encyclopedias

Stabat Mater

Language; Encyclopedias

A Latin hymn on the dolours of the Virgin, beginning with these words, and composed in the 13th century by Jacopone da Todi, a Franciscan monk, and set to music by several ...

Publius Papinius Statius

Language; Encyclopedias

A Latin poet, born in Naples; lived at Rome, flourished at court, particularly that of Domitian, whom he flattered, but retired to his native place after defeat in a competition; ...

Swiss Confederation

Language; Encyclopedias

A league of the several Swiss cantons to resist an attempt on the part of the Emperor Albrecht to incorporate certain of the free towns into his family possessions.


Language; Encyclopedias

A linen robe with wide sleeves worn by officiating clergymen and choristers, originating in the rochet or alb of early times.

Cape St. Vincent

Language; Encyclopedias

A lofty and rugged headland in the extreme SW. of Portugal, off which have been fought several naval battles, the most memorable being the great victory on February 14, 1797, when ...

Sullivan's Island

Language; Encyclopedias

A long and narrow island, a favourite sea-bathing resort, on the N. of the entrance to Charleston Harbour, South Carolina, U.S.


Language; Encyclopedias

A long scarf worn by bishops and priests in the administration of the sacraments of the Church, and sometimes when preaching, as well as in symbol of authority.