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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.

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Language > Public speaking


Language; Public speaking

Brief and particularly apt sayings.


Language; Public speaking

Broad comedy involving boisterous action like throwing pies and fake violence ala The Three Stooges.

comic strip

Language; Public speaking

Cartoon progressing over a series of scenes.

vocal variety

Language; Public speaking

Changes in a speaker's rate, pitch, and volume that give the voice variety and expressiveness.


Language; Public speaking

Changes in the pitch or tone of a speaker's voice.


Language; Public speaking

Changing the normal order of words to make statements memorable and emphatic.


Language; Public speaking

Citing the observations, opinions, or conclusions of other people or institutions to clarify, support, and strengthen a presentation.