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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.

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Language > Public speaking

signature story

Language; Public speaking

A story that is credited to a particular person. This type of story should never be used without attribution.


Language; Public speaking

A story used to illustrate some important truth about a speaker’s topic.

extended example

Language; Public speaking

A story, narrative, or anecdote developed at some length to illustrate a point.

panel discussion

Language; Public speaking

A structured conversation on a given topic among several people in front of an audience.


Language; Public speaking

A summary of a magazine or journal article, written by someone other than the original author.


Language; Public speaking

A systematic series of actions that leads to a specific result or product.

head table

Language; Public speaking

A table at the front of the room reserved for the leaders, special guests and speakers at an event.