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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.

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Language > Public speaking

cognitive restructuring

Language; Public speaking

The process of replacing negative thoughts with positive, constructive ones.


Language; Public speaking

The process of systematically picturing oneself succeeding as a speaker and practicing a speech with that image in mind.


Language; Public speaking

The quality of being ethical, honest, and dependable.


Language; Public speaking

The quality of radiating goodness and goodwill and inspiring audience affection in return.

question and answer (Q&A)

Language; Public speaking

The question and answer session of a presentation which usually takes place at end of a public speech to address any questions the audience may have.


Language; Public speaking

The requirement that material in an outline descend in importance from main points to subpoints to sub-subpoints to sub-sub-subpoints.


Language; Public speaking

The requirement that statements equal in importance be placed on the same level in an outline.