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Law enforcement

The collective name for the efforts of enforcing and ensuring observance, obedience to the law.

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Law enforcement > Human Trafficking

service providers

Law enforcement; Human Trafficking

Organizations and individuals that provide one or more of the support and assistance measures supplied to trafficked persons. These may include social workers, psychologists, ...


Law enforcement; Human Trafficking

According to the Explanatory Report accompanying the Council of Europe Convention (paragraph 95), “The ECHR (European Commission of Human Rights) bodies have defined ‘servitude’. ...

sex-related trafficking

Law enforcement; Human Trafficking

Trafficking for the purpose of the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation.

sexual exploitation

Law enforcement; Human Trafficking

The terms “exploitation of the prostitution of others” and “other forms of sexual exploitation” are not defined in the Council of Europe Convention, “which is therefore without ...

shelter/residential facilities

Law enforcement; Human Trafficking

Premises where trafficked persons are hosted. Shelters may be open or closed; offer short- or long-term stay; provide round-the-clock, part-time or no in-house assistance. Shelter ...


Law enforcement; Human Trafficking

The status or condition of a person over whom control is exercised to the extent that the person is treated like a property. Placement or maintenance in a position of slavery ...


Law enforcement; Human Trafficking

According to the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000), ...