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Law enforcement

The collective name for the efforts of enforcing and ensuring observance, obedience to the law.

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Law enforcement > Terrorism


Law enforcement; Terrorism

The use of biological agents to cause harm to targeted people either directly, by bringing the people into contact with the agents or indirectly, by infecting other animals and ...

blister agents

Law enforcement; Terrorism

Agents which cause pain and incapacitation instead of death and might be used to injury many people at once, thereby overloading medical facilities and causing fear in the ...

blood agents

Law enforcement; Terrorism

Agents based on cyanide compounds. More likely to be used for assassination than for terrorism.


Law enforcement; Terrorism

The botulinum toxin is exceedingly lethal and quite simple to produce. It takes just a small amount of the toxin to destroy the central nervous system. Botulism may be contracted ...

Bush Doctrine

Law enforcement; Terrorism

The policy that holds responsible nations which harbor or support terrorist organizations and says that such countries are considered hostile to the United States. From President ...

Abu Sayyaf

Law enforcement; Terrorism

Abu Sayyaf, meaning "Bearer of the Sword”, is the smaller of the two Islamist groups whose goal is to establish an Iranian-style Islamic statein Mindanao in the Southern ...

acid bombs

Law enforcement; Terrorism

Crude bomb made by combining muratic acid with aluminum strips in a 2-liter soda bottle. It is made from ingredients easily available.