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Law enforcement

The collective name for the efforts of enforcing and ensuring observance, obedience to the law.

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Law enforcement > Terrorism


Law enforcement; Terrorism

An organism which carries germs from one host to another.


Law enforcement; Terrorism

A blister filled with fluid.

weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

Law enforcement; Terrorism

According to the National Defense Authorization Act: Any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number ...


Law enforcement; Terrorism

Irrational fear of strangers or those who are different from oneself.


Law enforcement; Terrorism

Muslim region of China which is trying to secede and wish to become “East Turkistan”. The East Turkestan Islamic Movement is on America's terrorist.

inhalation anthrax

Law enforcement; Terrorism

Contracted by inhaling anthrax spores. This results in pneumonia, sometimes meningitis, and finally death.

Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)

Law enforcement; Terrorism

Ballistic missiles with no guidance system but are instead dependent upon their trajectory. ICBMs have long enough range to go from one continent to another, but are very ...